Business Employee Experience and Engagement | EIC Insurance Services Case Study

EIC Insurance


Values, Vision, Purpose, Employee Experience, Employee Engagement: making work great

Originally established as EIC Financial Services in 1973, in 2017, Charlie Hicks, who’d been working for the organisation since 2009, seized the opportunity to take over running the company when the Managing Director chose to retire.

The challenge

Passionate about growing the business in the right way, with the right people, Charlie approached Culture Chameleon to work on an ongoing basis with EIC, discovering and defining its Values, Vision and Purpose and then weaving these into the entire employee experience.

What we did

Values & Values launch

Starting with EIC’s Values, Culture Chameleon supported Charlie to discover and define these. Given the nature of the organisation, and its history, it was important that the final Values encapsulated its professionalism and created the feeling of being in safe hands for both team members and clients.

We then worked to design a multi-layered launch process that supported the team to quickly engage with the Values and understand how they applied to their roles.

Purpose & Vision

The process of creating EIC’s Purpose and Vision began with Culture Chameleon identifying that the previous Purpose statement was confused and included elements of a possible Vision. We worked closely with Charlie to unpick the Purpose statement and to dig deeper, to pinpoint the organisation’s Vision.

As with the Values, it was important for the Purpose and Vision to evoke feelings of being protected.


We exist to put people at the heart of what we do, supporting our clients to make each insurance decision with their eyes wide open.


Every business and homeowner sleeping well at night, knowing the things they care about are protected.

Employee Experience

Working alongside EIC over more than two years, we have gradually weaved the Values, Vision and Purpose into the entire employee experience to attract, select and retain team members that fit with EIC’s Values and add to its culture. This has included:

  • Designing Values, Vision and Purpose-based recruitment materials to attract the right team members
  • Creating an easy-to-use selection process that focuses on a great candidate experience whilst assessing potential team members for Values-fit and Culture-add
  • Designing an Onboarding process underpinned by the company’s Values, Purpose and Vision
  • Creating a Values, Purpose and Vision-based continuous performance management process focused on enabling each team member’s full potential
  • Producing a collaborative goal process centred around driving the organisation forward to achieve its Vision.

The feedback

Thank you so much.  Following our rebrand, you have been absolutely key in helping us to start to define and showcase the strong culture that we have at EIC…from helping us to identify our company Values, to launching these in a way that ensured understanding, buy-in and commitment from the team (and a lot of fun!). 

~ Michelle Lee, Operations Manager, EIC

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